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李丽娟,教授,博导,最新白菜网论坛副经理,白菜发布论坛自动化研究所所长。江苏省333高层次人才计划、江苏省“六大人才高峰”计划资助人选。中国自动化学会过程控制专委会委员、预测控制与智能决策专委会委员、教育工作委员会委员,中国工程教育专业认证专家。主持国家自然科学基金等省级以上项目6项、企业合作项目20多项。在IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology等权威刊物发表学术论文90多篇,其中SCI/EI检索30余篇,授权发明专利8项,软件著作权1项,获。获中国专利优秀奖1项,国家教学成果二等奖等省部级以上教学成果奖5项,主编教材2部。






2013.4-2014.4,美国南加州大学(University of Southern California),访问学者



1. 建模、优化与预测控制

2. 智能机器人

3. 检测技术及嵌入式系统

4. 智慧安全

5. 人工智能在工业过程的应用


1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:引入层间耦合关系表达的双层结构预测控制系统性能评估与深度诊断,2019-2022,主持

2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目:复杂大化工过程的分布式广义预测控制研究,2013-2015,主持

3. 江苏省自然科学基金面上项目:基于评估指标优化的预测控制系统性能提升策略, 2019-2021,主持

4. 江苏省六大人才高峰项目:大规模化工过程节能增效分布式优化控制技术研究,2013-2015,主持

5. 工业控制技术国家重点实验室开放项目(ICT1234):大规模化工过程分布式模型在线辨识算法研究与应用,2012-2013,主持

6. 江苏省自然科学基金(BK2009356):基于仿射传播聚类的支持向量机多模型建模算法研究与应用,2009-2011,主持

7. 江苏省高校自然科学基金项目 (09KJB510003): 多工况石化过程的最小二乘支持向量机递阶建模算法研究,2009-2011 ,主持

8. 德衡数据江苏产业园大数据中心AI智慧能效管理平台,2023,主持

9. 海螺水泥质量管理强度预测模型开发,2022,主持

10. 索普醋酸片区西门子PLC系统维保,2022,主持

11. 中原大化甲醇煤储运PLC系统开发,2021,主持

12. 索普电仪厂能管平台厂区数据集成服务,2021,主持

13. 过程自动化虚拟仿真教学平台研发,2020,主持

14. 索普电仪厂动力厂泵房监控系统扩容升级改造,2020,主持

15. 中原大化水处理装置监控系统改造,2019,主持

16. 索普电仪厂一号排口环保监测项目,2018,主持

17. 索普电仪厂CAST好氧池全自动控制改造,2018,主持

18. 索普港口服务部流量监控系统扩容,2017,主持

19. 泵房远程监控扩容,2017,主持

20. 索普水厂监控系统扩容,2017,主持

21. 索普甲醇厂热电装置PLC系统改造, 2016,主持

23. 索普流量计远程监控系统, 2016,主持

24. 扬子石化炼油厂干气回收乙烯装置冷干机负荷控制系统开发,2016,主持

25. 索普集团环境参数远程监控系统,2015,主持

26. 索普集团探焦设备监控系统,2015,主持

27 醋酸厂环境监测数据集成系统改造, 2015, 主持

28. 索普泊位流量计自动监控系统开发, 2013, 主持


[1]  Lijuan Li(李丽娟), Qianyi Xiang, Xiaowei Xu, Shipin Yang. An optimized control strategy based on multidimensional feature operation pattern. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2024, 03(02):1-14.

[2] Wenhua Jiao, Da Zhao, Chao Li, and Lijuan Li(李丽娟)*. Multiresolution deep feature learning for pointer meters reading recognition. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2024, 114: 168-177.

[3] Lijuan Li(李丽娟), Peng Zhang, ShipinYang, Wenhua Jiao. YOLOv5-SFE: An algorithm fusing spatio-temporal features for detecting and recognizing workers' operating behaviors. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 2023, 56: 101988.

[4] Xingyu Chen, Lijuan Li (李丽娟)*, Shipin Yang. A performance assessment methodology with coupling between layers for LP-DMC systems. International Journal of Robust Nonlinear Control2023DOI: 10.1002/rnc.7046SCI一区)

[5] Lijuan Li(李丽娟), Xue Yang, Shipin Yang, Xiaowei Xu. Optimization of oxygen system scheduling in hybrid action space based on deep reinforcement learning, Computers & Chemical Engineering, 2023, 171: 108168.

[6]  Lijuan Li(李丽娟), Junjie Ye, Chenyang Wang, Chengwen Ge, Yuan Yu, Qingwu Zhang. A fire source localization algorithm based on temperature and smoke sensor data fusion. Fire Technology, 2023, 59: 663-690.

[7]  Shipin Yang, Nelson Max, Shengdong Xie, Lijuan Li(李丽娟), Tingting Zhao. Photovoltaic cell model parameter optimization using micro-charge field effect P systems. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2021.104: 104374

[8] Lijuan Li(李丽娟), Luheng Lu, Zhen Huang, Xingyu Chen, Shipin Yang. A model mismatch assessment method of MPC by decussation. ISA Transactions, 2020,106:51-60.

[9] Lijuan Li(李丽娟), Xingyu Chen, Shipin Yang. Assessment of DMC controller parameters via estimating Markov parameters of disturbance. International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, 2021.35:459–483.

[10]Shu Zhang, Lijuan Li(李丽娟)*, Lijuan Yao, Shipin Yang, Tao Zou. Data-driven process decomposition and robust online distributed modelling for large-scale processes. International Journal of System Science, 2018,49(3): 449-463

[11] Lijuan Li(李丽娟), Jianquan Song, Xiaoxiao Zhang, Jing Ye, Shipin Yang. Model deficiency diagnosis and improvement via model residual assessment in MPC. Industrial Engineering & Chemistry Research20175612151-12162

[12] Lijuan Li(李丽娟), Tingting Dong, Shu Zhang, Xiaoxiao Zhang, Shiping Yang. Time-delay identification in dynamic processes with disturbance via correlation analysis. Control Engineering Practice, 2017, 62: 92–101

[13] Lijuan Li(李丽娟), Lu Xiong, Ouguan Xu, Hongye Su. Decomposition-based modeling algorithm by CCA-PLS for large scale processes, American Control Conference, 2015 July 1-3, Chicago, Illinois, USAEI收录,控制学科top会议)

[14] Lijuan Li(李丽娟), S. Joe Qin. Drill-down diagnosis and improvement of deficient models in MPC. IFAC 9th International Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes2015, June 7-10, Whistler, Canada

[15] 李丽娟,刘君,熊路. 基于AP-LSSVM的多模型预测控制. 浙江大学学报(工学版), 2013, 47(10)1741-1746

[16] 李丽娟, 潘磊. 基于AP聚类算法的跳汰机床层松散度软测量建模. 化工学报, 2012, 63(9): 2675-2680EI收录)

[17] 李丽娟, 宋坤, 赵英凯. 基于仿射传播聚类的ARA发酵过程模型. 化工学报, 2011, 62(8): 2116-2121 EI收录)

[18] Lijuan Li(李丽娟), Hongye Su and Jian Chu. Online Least Squares Support Vector Machine Modeling for Isomerization of C8 Aromatics. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2009, 17(3): 437-444

[19] Lijuan Li(李丽娟), Hongye Su and Jian Chu. Sparse representation based on projection method in online least squares support vector machines. Control Theory & Applications2009, 7(2): 105-111

[20] Lijuan Li(李丽娟), Hongye Su and Jian Chu. Generalized Predictive Control with Online Least Squares Support Vector Machines. IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, 2007, 33(11): 1182-1188


[1] 一种基于参数区间变化趋势的动态操作模式优化方法、系统及储存介质,202111545908.7,第一发明人

[2] 一种基于交叉评估的多变量DMC系统模型失配通道定位方法, 201810351386.9,第一发明人,2021

[3]一种基于Pearson相关性的大系统图论分解方法, 201810351387.3,第一发明人,2021

[4]一种基于系统分解指标的全局协调分布式预测控制算法, 201810347275.0, 第一发明人,2021

[5] 全自动袋式包装柔性生产线,201610342619X,第一发明人,2018

[6] 一种预测控制模型性能下降的深度诊断方法,201410811191X,第一发明人,2017

[7] 一种模型预测控制性能评估与诊断方法, 2015103758383,第一发明人,2017

[8] 基于CCA-PLS的大化工过程分布式建模方法,201410281218.9,第一发明人,2016



联系邮箱: ljli@njtech.edu.cn